Engineered Wood Beams

Timber Magic: The Marvel of Engineered Wood Beams

At Brickborne, everyone is a curious enthusiast, delving deep into the science behind Engineered Structural Beams. In this chapter of the blog, we will retain our special focus on Engineered Wood Beams for exterior use.

From the benefits to the manufacturing of Engineered Wood Beams, this article will show you just how versatile and sustainable they tend to be.

Why Consider Sustainable Engineered Wood Beams?

  • Stability: Engineered Wood Beams offer greater strength and even greater stability as compared to a traditional solid wood beam. Torsion, Flexure, Shear, you just name it.
  • Compliance with the Code: Due to the provision of said strength and stability, Engineered Wood Beams comply with not only the local American Wood Council standards but also the International Building Code and the International Residential Code.
  • Long Life Span: Apart from the applied loading due to your structure, Engineered Wood Beams can resist Environmental Factors that normally plague wood. Even for exterior use, decay, insects, and moisture become just a thorn in its line of work.
  • Sustainable Solution: What more could you want from Engineered Structural Beams when it is eco-friendly? It addresses the demand for environmentally conscious materials so you would not have to be guilty about hurting Mother Nature.
  • Economic Installation: Once again, we ask; what more could you want from Engineered Structural Beams when they’re sustainable and economical? Not only does installing Engineered Wood Beams demand less time and labor, but its manufacture minimizes waste and maximizes utilization of timber resources.
Engineered Wood Beams

How Are Sustainable Engineered Wood Beams Manufactured?

Remember when we mentioned how the manufacture of Engineered Wood Beams is economical? Sure you do. We just told you.

Now, in this step-by-step process, you will see how:

Selection of Sustainable Material

Timber collectors carefully survey potential sustainable wood sources for Engineered hardwood Beams. The most preferred sources are softwoods such as spruce and pines. The reason for this preference is that they are fast-growing. Therefore, this choice for Engineered Wood Beams ensures a ready timber supply but encourages sustainable maintenance of our already depleting forest reserves.

Engineered Wood Beams

Laminating of Eco-Friendly Layers

As the manufacturing for Engineered Wood Beams begins, raw wood materials collected are transformed into smaller strands called veneers. When bonded together using eco-friendly resins, they create a complex composite structure that maximizes the use of available wood resources.

In other words, efficiently using said materials and minimizing waste.

Environmental Friendly Pressing and Curing

When using Engineered Wood Beams for exterior use, the hydraulic pressing and curing process is applied. It is not only essential for the beams’ strength and durability but most Manufacturers employ sustainable energy resources that minimize the emission of greenhouse gases.

Efficient Shaping

To shape these as per their desired cross-section to resist stresses, cutting techniques are employed. These techniques are done with precision, expertise, and efficiency to ensure minimal waste of resources.

Strict Quality Control

Of course, what’s the point of a product if it does not deliver on its promise? All Engineered Structural Beams undergo strict quality checks. Engineered Wood Beams even more so. Raw material inspection, adhesive testing, dimensional accuracy, structural testing, and of course sustainability audits.

Certification from the relevant institutions proves that industry regulations recognize the quality and deem it a viable option in the market, especially for DIY.

Final Word – Engineered Wood Beams For the Win

Whether you are using engineered wood structural Beams for exterior use or interior use, they are your DIY superheroes. All-mighty, all-versatile, all-safe and all-ecofriendly. If you have them designed properly that is.

But isn’t that why we have Engineers? So before you go looking for Engineered Structural Beams for your home, be sure to consult an expert.

Good luck!

Engineered Wood Beams

Brickborne believes in accuracy and time construction without wastage of resources. We believe in economical and sustainable construction. With the advancing world, software is here to assist us in the construction field. Brickborne provides construction drawings as per codes of the region, 3D modeling, rendering, and animation walkthroughs of both interior and exterior, and quantity surveying and cost estimation. Choose us to change your dreams into reality as we say, Brickborne- We Design Your Ideas!

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  1. […] beyond your imagination. So in this blog post, let us dive into Brickborne’s fascinating world of timber frame trusses. Discover the five common types of timber truss extensively used in […]

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