Detailed 2D Construction Drawings of a Building

πŸ—οΈ Construction drawings, also known as blueprints, are essential documents in the construction industry. They provide a visual representation of a building’s design, including dimensions and specifications. These drawings facilitate collaboration among stakeholders, ensure project accuracy, and aid in obtaining permits. Without them, construction would be more challenging and prone to errors. πŸ“πŸ’πŸ—οΈ

This project was done for a client from Boardman, USA. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ The platform used for this work was Fiverr. πŸ’Ό The provided file contains the construction layouts. πŸ“ We’re a team of creatives excited about unique ideas and help builders, contractors, and real estate companies create unique designs by providing top-notch Civil Engineering and Architectural Services. πŸ’πŸ—οΈ


Provisioning of 2D construction drawings

  • Strategy


  • Design

    BIM + Revit

  • Client

    Mr. Sam

  • Client's Location

    Boardman, USA

Professional 2D Construction Drawings
Professional 2D Construction Drawings Professional 2D Construction Drawings

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