Types of Contract for Construction

Types of Contract for Construction: The Best 5

As the construction industry continues to grow, the need for different types of contract for construction has become more prominent than ever. Construction contracts are legally binding agreements between the owner of a construction project and the contractor hired to complete it. Furthermore, the contract for construction includes the scope of work, timelines, payment arrangements, and other important terms and conditions. In addition, the contract in construction prevents dispute that arises during construction and allows the smooth running of construction projects. Moreover, it also ensures that both parties understand their rights and obligations, thereby reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings and potential legal disputes. There are five types of contract for construction used in the construction industry.

Types of Contract for Construction

Types of Contract for Construction

There are several types of construction contracts, each with its own unique features and benefits. The five most common types of construction contracts include;

1. Fixed-Price or Lump-Sum Contract

A fixed-price or lump-sum contract is a type of contract in which the contractor agrees to complete the project for a set price. This means that the client knows exactly how much they will need to pay for the project before it starts.

Cost CertaintyThe client knows the exact cost of the project upfront, which can help them budget accordingly. This also means that the contractor is responsible for any cost overruns that may occur during the construction process.
Reduced RiskThe client knows exactly how much they will need to pay for the project, while the contractor knows exactly how much they will earn. This can help to reduce any disagreements or disputes that may arise during the project.
Encourages EfficiencyThis can help to ensure that the project is completed on time and within budget.
Simplified Contract ManagementThe terms and conditions are usually straightforward and easy to understand. This can help to reduce the administrative burden of managing the contract.
Increased TransparencyBoth parties know exactly what is expected of them and what they will receive in return. This can help to build trust and a positive working relationship between the two parties.

2. Cost-Plus Contract

The contract in which the client agrees to pay the contractor for the actual cost of the materials, labour, and other expenses incurred during the construction process, plus a predetermined percentage or fee for overhead and profit.

Greater FlexibilityIt provides greater flexibility for both the client and the contractor, as they allow for changes to be made to the project scope and design throughout the construction process.
TransparencyThe client pays for the actual cost of materials and labour, cost-plus contracts can provide greater transparency into project costs and expenses. This can help to build trust between the client and the contractor.
An Incentive for Cost SavingsThe contractor has an incentive to keep costs low, as their fee is based on a percentage of the project costs.
Higher-Quality Materials and WorkmanshipIt incentivizes the contractor to use higher-quality materials and provide higher-quality workmanship, as they are being paid for the actual cost of these items.
Reduced RiskIt can help to reduce risk for both the client and the contractor, as the actual costs of materials and labour are known from the beginning of the project. This can help to avoid unexpected cost overruns and delays.

3. Time and Materials Contract

A type of contract in which the client agrees to pay the contractor for the actual time and materials used during the construction process, plus a predetermined markup or fee for overhead and profit.

Greater FlexibilityIt provides greater flexibility for both the client and the contractor, as they allow for changes to be made to the project scope and design throughout the construction process.
TransparencyThe client pays for the actual time and materials used, time and materials contracts can provide greater transparency into project costs and expenses.
An Incentive for EfficiencyThe contractor has an incentive to work efficiently, as their fee is based on the actual time and materials used.
Easy to AdministerTime and materials contracts are often simpler and easier to administer than other types of contracts, as they do not require as much upfront planning or documentation.
Reduced RiskIt can help to reduce risk for both the client and the contractor, as the actual costs of materials and labour are known from the beginning of the project.

4. Guaranteed Maximum Price Contract

A type of construction contract in which the contractor agrees to complete the project for a fixed price, with any additional costs being the responsibility of the contractor.

Cost CertaintyIt provides cost certainty for the client. The client knows the maximum amount they will need to pay for the project, and the contractor is responsible for any additional costs.
Risk ManagementThe contractor is responsible for any additional costs, they have an incentive to manage risk effectively throughout the construction process. This can help to prevent unexpected costs and delays.
Increased CollaborationIt can also foster increased collaboration between the client and the contractor.
Reduced Change Order CostsThe changes to the project scope or design can be made more easily and with less cost, as the maximum price for the project is already known.
Improved QualityIt also encourages the contractor to focus on quality throughout the construction process.

5. Unit Price Contract

A type of construction contract in which the contractor agrees to provide a specific unit of work or material at a set price, typically based on a schedule of quantities. The total price for the project is then calculated based on the quantities of each unit of work or material required.

FlexibilityIt offer flexibility in terms of pricing and payment.
TransparencyIt provides flexibility in terms of pricing and payment.
ControlIt can also provide greater control for the client, as they can adjust the scope of work and materials as needed based on their budget and project goals.
Reduced RiskThe price for each unit of work or material is pre-determined, unit price contracts can help to reduce risk for both the client and the contractor.
Cost SavingsUnit price contracts can also help to reduce costs for the client, as they only pay for the actual quantity of work or materials used.


Contracts in construction are very important to ensure effective and efficient progress. Furthermore, there are different types of contracts for construction with notable benefits. Thus, the type of contract should be selected by keeping the conditions in mind in order to avoid disputes.

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